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6 steps to teach you how to maintain the diesel engine
 May 17, 2022|View:76

The advantages of diesel engines are high power and good economic performance. Diesel engine work into the cylinder is air, the air in the cylinder compressed to the end, the temperature is 500-700oC, the pressure 40-50 atmospheric pressure. Therefore it is very important to maintain the diesel engine.
1. Grinding: that is, break-in
This is the basis for extending the service life, whether it is a new car or an engine after overhaul, it must be broken in according to the rules before it can be put into normal operation.
2. Net: that is, oil net, water net, gas net and body net
Diesel and gasoline is the main fuel of the engine, if diesel and gasoline are not pure, it will make the precision with the body wear, with the gap increased, resulting in oil leakage, oil dripping, oil supply pressure is reduced, the gap becomes large, and even cause oil blockage, holding shaft burning tile and other serious failure. If the air contains a lot of dust, it will accelerate the wear of cylinder liner, piston and piston ring. If the cooling water is not pure, it will make the cooling system after the scale blockage, hinder the engine heat dissipation, lubrication conditions are also poor, the body wear serious. If the appearance of the body is not pure, will make the surface is corroded, shorten the service life.

3. Nnough: that is, enough oil, water, air, enough
Diesel, gasoline and air supply is not timely or interrupted, there will be starting difficulties, poor combustion, power decline, the engine can not run normally and other phenomena. If the oil supply is insufficient or interrupted, it will make the engine poor lubrication, serious wear and tear of the body and even burn tile phenomenon. If the cooling water is not enough will make the engine temperature is too high, power down, wear and tear increased, reducing service life.
4. Check: that is, often check the fastening parts
Because the diesel engine and gasoline engine in the process of use by vibration shock and uneven load, bolts, nuts easy to loosen. There are also various parts of the adjustment bolts should be checked to avoid accidents caused by loosening and damage to the body.
5. Tune: check and adjust
That is, the diesel or gasoline engine valve clearance, gas distribution phase, fuel supply advance angle, injection pressure and ignition timing should be checked and adjusted in a timely manner to ensure that the engine is often in good technical condition, in order to save fuel and extend service life.
6. With: that is, the correct use of the engine
Before driving, the shaft tiles and other lubricated parts should be lubricated. After starting should wait until the water temperature reaches 40 ℃ -50 ℃ before putting into operation. Prohibit long time overload or low-speed operation. Before stopping the machine, the load should be removed first to reduce the speed. The engine should be regularly maintained, so that the machine is always in good running condition. To diligent observation, diligent inspection, find fault, timely elimination.