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How quiet can a silent diesel generator be
 May 20, 2022|View:66

A diesel generator can be very loud when running. This is a big problem for areas with strict noise requirements, as the noise can damage the hearing of those who work in close proximity to it and cause a nuisance to those who work or live nearby. Jiangsu Excalibur Power Machinery Co., Ltd., a professional generator and machinery manufacturer, has successfully developed Super Silent Diesel Generator to reduce or even eliminate the noise produce from the diesel generator when it runs.


What is a silent diesel generator?

Composite materials are used in the generator enclosure of a silent type diesel generator and usually form a layer of hard materials that reflects sound energy back into the enclosure. Soft porous materials are also used to absorb the sound energy and convert it into heat. Most silent diesel generators use different materials in multiple layers because some materials are good at absorbing sound at high frequencies, but poor at low frequencies.
Porous materials can direct smaller sound waves deep into the material and then absorb them, so they can be used to absorb higher frequencies. But lower frequency sounds are difficult to silence by only using ordinary materials, because low frequency sound waves are sometimes deflected or absorbed by thick layers of material that are difficult to move. Therefore, air spacers are used to suppress low frequency sounds, creating a resonant effect to turn low frequency sounds into higher pitches, thus silencing the sound from a super silent diesel generator.

How loud is your diesel generator?

Sound levels are usually measured in decibels. Any sound above 80 decibels is considered “loud”. The sound levels that reach 100 decibels will make people feel uncomfortable, and 140 decibels will even make some people feel painful. The noise produced by a diesel generator can be measured on a linear scale, which is a weighted average of all sound frequencies.

How silent is Excalibur’s silent diesel generator?

Excalibur’s super silent diesel generator can help you run a diesel generator with minimized noise. Its generators are equipped with residential silencers and high quality sound insulation, thus greatly reducing the noise level generated by your generator and ensuring performance in outdoor environments.
If you want to learn more about silent diesel generators or buy a silent diesel generator, please feel free to find Excalibur, and you have various options to choose from.